Wednesday, March 9, 2011


 "Order, Order in the court" The configuration of the cheery oak mallet summoned attention toward the judge, ceasing all chatter in the atmosphere. The judges bureaucratic voice maintained a peaceful aura, yet I still was on edge. The words that emanated from her fabricated phony smile ensued two things. One I was literally doomed and second we were without a doubt on the run.

 Trivializing the obvious,  "Wanted, highly dangerous" Hue's voice brought me back to the present. His rambling irritating the life out of me. "Do not approach!" A newspaper was clutched in his hands, crumbling under his animosity. His features boiled red, the paper one moment legible was demolished the next. Poor thing never had a chance. "I don't see why you even bother" I retorted "They just make you irate." He muttered something inaudible before pacing the 400 square foot hotel room. A heavy sigh came before me, this routine of banter back and forth was the only accustomed event in our lives. His expression told me he was pondering some overblown fantasy that was beyond his normal levelheadedness. His quick intake of breath, didn't catch me off guard. His excitement bringing along the inevitable as he began to meander. " How do you feel about Australia?" His gaze became mesmerized on my reaction. "No one would ever find us" The childlike hope that brandished him was impressive under the current circumstances. I interjected then, trying not to put him down to hard "How do you suppose we get out of the country". In a desperate state he began, "Well....Well, we could" His voice cut off, his mind probably searching for any remotely realistic idea."Or what about," he whispered "we could.-" stopping again he sat down on the withered, wicker chair, accepting the inevitable.